Little House on the Prairie Funny Pictures

The chance that these floral farm dresses that objectively look like the last thing you'd wanna wear are sold out at Targets all over is a high one. And it's not because people have damaged their fashion sense for good after spending prolonged periods of time in quarantine (although that would be a fair reason), but rather because the #TargetDressChallenge is going viral.

It all started when someone pointed out that a bunch of long dresses at Target look like "people just lost the farm after locusts ate their crops" but in the pandemic world. And this is where it got fun.

People went in for a full pandemic farm, aka Little House On the Prairie, look by posting their pics in the dress while carrying livestock, working the land, and doing other typical farm chores. It soon blew up into a viral trend with entire families getting on board for a much-needed laugh.

Image credits: Lorca Damon

To find out more about this new viral challenge, Bored Panda reached out to Bre and Matt Bogert, who joined forces in some of the very best shots submitted to the #TargetDressChallenge. Their humorous pictures have since gone viral, amassing 5.3k reactions, 2.7k shares, and 1k comments on Facebook.

When asked what they thought of the infamous Target dress, Bre said that she first saw the Target dress challenge on one of her farm or chicken-related groups on Facebook. As for the infamous prairie dress, she had seen it in the store. "I did a double-take and thought... WHAT!?"

"Once I saw a husband having participated, I showed my husband, who laughed just as hard as me. His initial reaction had a few eye rolls, but then hilarity ensued," Bre explained.

We Really Wanted A Holy Bible For The Shoot But Roads Are Bad And I Couldn't Get One From The Dollar Tree

I had no problems looking this mean and crazy but Meliyah had a hard time not laughing.
Thanks to Lexi for the photography. She didn't have a target dress so she missed out.
Gilead won't be taking over this damn homestead anytime soon!

Jay Durham Report

As Sexy As Robert Plant Wearing A Blouse In Concert. "Barefoot With A Chicken" And Showin' A Little Skin. The Hat Doesn't Match The Dress But The Coors Bottle Does

Amazingly, he saw the dress hanging after being washed and came up with the idea himself, no inspiration or alcohol or coercion needed!

Carol Nall Report

When asked how she managed to convince Matt to dress up for the challenge, Bre confessed that "there wasn't much convincing after my 8- and 10-year-old sons saw the shoots and started egging him on."

"My almost 10-year-old asked him to do it for his birthday present (we did the shoot on his birthday!) and—off to Target we went! He's 6'8" tall and 300 pounds—we didn't think we would find a dress, and that XXL was a little stretchy and it fit like a glove," Bre laughed.

The dress was supposed to be floor-length, but "as you see, a little knee was shown," she added.

From My Husband Matt,

At first I laughed when she and our boys suggested it, then I was like, 'You know what!? The world has seen so much sadness and really bad stuff this year, my family has suffered some serious losses this year, it will make my boys laugh and maybe someone else. Plus, I love using our little farm for the shoot and making my photographer wife smile, you know? And, the boys are going to learn to make pillows out of the dress fabric when we are done—we all win. If you can make someone laugh or smile, why not!?'"

Bre Bogert Photography Report

The couple said that just like for many of us, their past year has seen some hard times, less laughter, and a lot of social discontinuity. "My husband's family had been through a rough time recently with losing loved ones and once we realized how much joy this was bringing and light-hearted fun, the deal was sealed."

And since Bre and Matt live on a farm with goats, chickens, rabbits, and hounds, half of the job had been done already. Plus, Bre is a professional photographer who runs her website Bre Bogert Photography. "We didn't need a single 'prop' (except the dress!)—It was a given…"

As for the feedback, besides the initial shock and hysterical laughter of family and friends, the feedback has been awesome.

"We thought it would reach a few folks outside our chicken and farm groups, but not like this! We have had some very complimentary messages about my adorable husband (he's taken, ladies, sorry!), but the best messages have been ones from folks who appreciate the humor in these isolating times."

It's Day 329 Of The Great Plague. The Target Mercantile Has Blessed Us With New Fabrics To Enhance Our Pandemic Fashion

I feel Margaret got a little bit risky in her decision to flaunt that racy lace seam. After all we are modest women out on the farmstead. Unwanted stares from the menfolk is unholy.
Supplies were getting scarce. We needed to venture out for food. Trudging uphill, both ways in the snow as our ancestors once did. Margaret was able to keep us safe with her trusty 22 and her deadeye for shots.
We were able to make dinner from an elegant goose that will feed the kin for a fortnight. We shall milk the goats (oops they're boys) and churn some butter and feast.
Lastly our local gymnasium allowed us to get some physical fitness in to keep up our health and our spirits.

Erin Kellar Stewart Report

The Two Aught Two Aught Year Of Our Lord Hath Vexed Me

I am vexed, I say. The earth has been salted, the chickens refuse to lay. Donkeys born without a tail and other such ominous signs. But Providence has left me my solitary sister in poultry. And we stubbornly refuse to yield. So let the year two aught two one breathe it's impotent fire. I stand or squat ready.

Thomas Henrich Report

Quarantine Day 329: Pa Said If This Winter Holds Out Much Longer He'll Need To Butcher The Hog

I don't reckon I'm ready to say goodbye, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a hankering for some fresh bacon. These grits ain't cutting it, and dine-in just ain't an option round these parts anymore.

Corrie Bubbico Report

Many messages and comments that Bre and Matt received were from people who hadn't laughed this hard since the pandemic started. "Some said that this was something they needed to see on a particularly hard day, and just thanking us for sharing some joy."

And this wholesome feedback is what makes a challenge like this all worth it for Bre and Matt. "My husband and I both agree if we can make anyone's day brighter (even if it's him in a dress with our chickens or goats as the cause), then it's a great day."

In fact, some people liked the model, aka Matt, so much that the couple even had some others asking if he's single. "Other messages were from folks wanting to buy the dress (we told them we are making it into pillows to always remember this shoot!), and some other chicken breed-related questions." Bre added that "there was one guy who even asked what kind of dog our goat was."

There's something about the Target dress challenge which makes it particularly humorous in these gloomy times. "The meme we saw circulating about the locusts and losing the farm made us laugh so hard. When we saw those dresses in person, we HAD TO try."

Bre said that "seeing the men and women and kids dress in these dresses without a care in the world, hamming it up for the cameras, having fun with it—THAT is funny. Honest hilarity." In fact, Bre, who's a pro photographer, confessed that "75% of the shots I took were shaky because my boys and I were laughing so hard."


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